GlaxoSmithKline AB Ordinary Hemvarnsg. 9, Solna, 171 54, Sweden GlaxoSmithKline AG Ordinary Talstrasse 3-5, 3053 Muenchenbuchsee, Switzerland GlaxoSmithKline Angola Unipessoal Limitada (iv) Quotas Luanda, Bairro Petrangol, Estrada de Cacuaco n° 288, Angola GlaxoSmithKline Argentina S.A. Ordinary Tucumán 1, piso 4, Buenos Aires, C1049AAA GSK is a science-led global healthcare company that aims to deliver growth and improving returns to shareholders through the development of innovative pharmaceutical, vaccine and consumer healthcare products. Through GSK's emerging markets group, Stiefel is also increasing access to essential skincare products in areas such as central Africa, at sustainable prices. What makes Stiefel different? Stiefel is committed to developing science-led and differentiated products and innovation in areas where it has deep expertise, so that more people